Social Media Trends For 2023

Social Media Trends

If there are trends today it is thanks to social networks, and vice versa. Especially in a world, that of social media, in which these trends are more changing than usual if we compare it with other digital marketing. For this reason, although they are going to change again soon, we bring you in this post the trends in social networks for 2023, because in this way you can anticipate your content strategy from now on.

Trends in social networks for 2023

Social networks are growing day by day and are a perfect showcase for business, but they are also a sales channel and a place where users look for information and entertainment, which is why they have become the preferred medium for advertisers of advertising. In fact, social networks offer an ROI 1.7 greater than that of television, which is why it is important to know the trends that will be present throughout 2023 on these platforms, in order to carry out more efficient management of social networks. How great and get everyone to talk about you, but for the better.

Here we go with the social media trends for 2023:

1. Short and vertical videos

As we have been able to verify during 2022 and since 2021, the consumption of content changes its habits, so that now the vertical and quality format is the one that achieves the most engagement, especially on Instagram . This is because the measures 1080 x 1350 pixels occupy the entire width and length of the mobile screen, so that the images are more impressive for the consumer.

Also, with the growth of TikTok, Reels have gained a lot of prominence on Instagram as the preferred content, and in 2023 it will continue to be so. So if you’re taking notes for your 2023 social media strategy, aim: Go for Instagram Reels if possible, then go for vertical, full-screen images. Square posts better forget them.

And, depending on your activity, focus your efforts on these two social networks (Instagram and TikTok), since Facebook is losing weight. Of course, remember that the videos must be short and concise, because, if not, we will scroll.

2. Facebook crash

As we have just indicated, Facebook is in the doldrums: it has been losing users for years, who prefer Instagram. For this reason, investment increases in this second social network, so that brands allocate their greatest investment to Instagram, since paid publications or paid posts generate 80% of all interactions.

3. TikTok Shopping

How do you read it? The way to buy and sell items arrived on social networks a long time ago with Facebook and Instagram Shopping, but now TikTok is the platform that promises to consolidate itself as such in 2023, as all its functionalities are gradually increasing. For this reason, since one of the social media trends for 2023 is TikTok Shopping, from Aeuroweb we recommend implementing this function and starting to display and sell products from there, while continuing to do so on Instagram, of course.

4. LinkedIn, now more ‘social’ than ever

You will have already noticed that Linkedin is now ceasing to be a solely professional network, since its feed has recently been filled with personal content that we would never have expected before. Especially, experiences of users of the platform who, in their job search, have come across various circumstances to which they give voice.

For this reason, without ceasing to pay attention to professional content, we advise that, little by little and seeing how it works, brands begin to share more personal and human content, because it is the one that, after all, reaches the most direct to customers. users. Also check pinterest video download online

5. The podcast is gaining ground

The podcast has been during 2022 one of the most valuable content on social networks. Whether as divulged, educational or entertainment content, it has gained great relevance in social networks, positioning itself as an ideal format to generate content.

And the best way for them to go viral is for them to be published on Spotify, Podimo or Ivoox and shared on Instagram.

6. SEO replaces hashtags

One of the biggest social media trends for 2023! Stop using hundreds of hashtags in your posts and start looking for the most searched and easy to work keywords, because social networks are the main search engine for almost 50% of young people between 18 and 24 years old, and they will follow it being in 2023.

So, what you need to do right now is use keyword- optimized descriptions instead of hashtags, which increases keyword reach by 30% and doubles interactions. Here is the importance of SEO positioning and keyword research.

And we at Aeuroweb like that a lot, because in addition to managing your brand’s social networks, we are positioning experts.

Other trends in social networks for 2023

There are many other social media trends or considerations to take into account in 2023 even if they are already more established. One of them is the use of Instagram Collabs, an Instagram feature that allows sharing the same publication to two different accounts, so that the impact is double . Keep using this feature of the social network, because, for now, it works quite well.

On the other hand, we couldn’t finish the post without talking about the Twitch phenomenon, the platform that is revolutionizing the consumption of streaming video. During the year 2022, it has surpassed the television audience in several key events in which the protagonists were streamers, such as the past chimes starring the popular streamer Ibai Llanos. For another sample, Luis Enrique, the coach of the Spanish Soccer Team, during the 2022 World Cup has been more acclaimed for his streaming than for his sporting facet.

Finally, we must emphasize the importance of social listening. That is, active or social listening, one of the pillars of any strategy in social networks, since users not only want to be heard, but also demand attention and want to see what they are looking for on social networks without looking for it. Therefore, it is very important to also interact with them through social networks.

In summary: a lot of reels, a lot of TikTok, a lot of keywords in your descriptions, a lot of valuable content and a lot of taking into account your followers. And if you are not clear, call us.