Pinterest Best Practices: Guidelines for Pinning and Sharing Content

Pinterest is a pictorial discovery and bookmarking platform where users can discover and share their new ideas by the images, videos, gifs and other kind of content. It is very crucial to follow the best practice and guidelines for pinning and sharing content on Pinterest. 

Let us tell you some important guidelines which you should keep in your mind before posting, sharing and pinning on pinterest.

Images with good quality:

Always use images with high quality as Pinterest is all about attractive images so make sure to post visuals which are eye catchy and gives a clear picture to the audience.

Always optimize your Pins:

Do not forget to add relevant keywords in the titles and descriptions of your pinned posts. It will help your visuals to get noticed easily by the audience.

Share variety of contents:

It is very important to encourage other creators also. Do not only share your own content but also pins from other creators which are related to your audience. Keep sharing a mixture of contents so that your audience will not get bored by seeing same content again and again.

Pin Consistently:

To make the most out of your Pinterest account, keep posting regularly. Make sure you post at least one visual a day. You can also do it by scheduling your post. This is the best way to keep your audience engage with you. 

Here you can Download Pinterest Video

Use Rich Pins:

Rich pins means adding extra information to your pins which includes article headlines, product details or recipe ingredients. This will help you in delivering more and extra information about your visual to your audience.

Keep an eye on your analytics:

In order to monitor the performance of your boards and pins, use Pinterest analytics tools. Always keep an eye to the pins which are getting more engagement and likes by the users.

Engage with other users:

Engaging with other users means liking, commenting and sharing others posts also. This will help you build a community of your followers which will directly increase the engagement on your pins and page.

Properly organize your Boards:

Always organize your pins into the boards which are relevant to particular topics. Make sure to use descriptive and clear board names. Also add a cover image which clearly represents the theme of your board

Try different Pin styles:

Pinterest has launched two new styles of pins: Idea pins and video pins. Try experimenting with different styles of pins. This will give the variety to your users.

Post your own content:

Always focus on quantity over quality.  Never focus on posting duplicate content as users will start disliking your post.

If you will follow the above Pinterest practices, you will definitely reach the wider audience and get better results.